Too Little, Too Late 2

Graeme asked me what more I want. He said that at least Aidh Alqarni has declared that he made a mistake, that he was wrong.
I want him and his liar colleagues to stop intervening in people's lives, to stop telling people what they should do and not do in the name of religion. I want them to stop manipulating religions according to their interests. Instead, they can direct people to do things that benefit themselves and others. They might encourage people to care about the environment and the Earth, to stop using plastic, or to follow a healthy diet. They can teach people how to respect and accept diversity and differences, instead of instilling hatred in them. I believe that God would be happy if that happened. I just want them to cut the crap. I want them to direct their efforts towards something that really benefits the people they advise. Instead of praying only for Muslims why they don't pray for the whole world? This shows how selfish they are.

It's true that what others did with his ideas is their own responsibility. However, for some of those who followed his ideas, their minds have been brainwashed. Others were already evil and found in his fatwas and ideas a foundation to build their extremist groups and organizations on. When these liars are the only channels through which to know others, not many options exist. When you're told over and over again, that when you murder non-Muslims, you will end up in heaven and you will have virgins to have sex with there, many wouldn't hesitate to kill. When you get trapped by them telling you, how wrong you are for sending congratulations to non-Muslims during their festivals, you will feel guilty in a way or another.
Many people live in darkness and miss opportunities to see the world from other perspectives due to these extremist ideas. They didn't find anyone who will take them by hand and lead them to the light.

So hopefully Aidh and his double-standard colleagues will change their strategy. Of course, they will have to, as they won't oppose the new agenda of their political rulers there, who call for moderate Islam. The same religious men who said that women driving would lead to sinning, after the ban was lifted, said it was a good decision and that it's for the greater good of society. What hypocrisy!


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