A Matter of Difference

When I was in Dar es Salaam, I wanted to go to the Kariakoo market. Adolph told me that his sister lived in Dar and knew the markets very well and she could show me around. We set a date and a place to meet.

On that day, I had to exchange money so I asked her if we could meet in front of a mall. She said she was already on the transport so I thought she was about to arrive where we decided to meet. I told her to keep the plan as it was and I would see her there. I rushed and arrived on that street and waited. I actually kept waiting for more than an hour until she arrived. We took a bus to the market. We went around it and I bought some Maasai robes and necklaces. We later met Mama Riama, her aunt and Riama, the small girl who used to call me to have lunch and dinner at her grandmother’s in Membe.

Then we left and we arrived near where I was staying. I don’t even remember what was her name. Anyway, Adolph’s sister asked me to pay for her other transportation fees. I had already paid for our transportation tickets from the place where we met to the market and vice versa. I also paid for her lunch. I paid for her extra fees without any comment but I didn’t like it because she hadn’t asked me in advance. She met me, showed me around and at the end of the day, she said I should pay her!

I thought it was common there to ask others for payment when they accompany them somewhere. Adolph asked me the same when we went to Dodoma. But when I asked Zai, a Tanzanian AIESEC volunteer, she said it was not normal but it depended on the person. Maybe she didn’t have enough money for the trip or because I was a foreigner so she guessed I was rich and I should pay for her!

In Egypt, as far as I'm concerned, it’s not common. Some people, however, would accept money for the help they offer. They are usually those who work in tourism or depend on offering help as a source of income.


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