Exploring The Unknown
When you plunk a new cat down in your house, after being frozen for a while, it starts to explore the new environment, running here and there, sniffing, looking around and wagging its tail. This is called the seeking/wanting system which is activated by the neurotransmitter dopamine. Besides helping us to find the things we need to survive, this system allows us to fulfill our curiosity and to learn new experiences by engaging with the outside world. Why? Because this is where our desires are met. This is a core characteristic of mental life. Humans might explicitly manifest seeking behavior in eye movements, dreaming, and attempts to make meaning, among other examples. These were a few things I learned from the enlightening course "What is a mind?".
"How do people manifest seeking/foraging behavior in urban lifestyles?" I think they manifest seeking/foraging by exposing themselves to different experiences and jumping over the red lines. Exactly like when you tell a child not to do something but as soon as you turn your face away, they do what they want. As the saying goes; the forbidden fruit is the sweetest.
My experiences breaking the rules I grew up with and fulfilling my own curiosity towards the unknown and forbidden things come to mind. During most of my life, I passed by a lot of opportunities out of fear and tried to live up to others' expectations. I had to face the fact that once gone things never come back so I decided to do what I want when I get a chance while keeping a low profile. I took off my hijab for the first time when I was far away from home. I was seeking how it feels without this piece of cloth even if it was only temporarily. =
Although wine and alcoholic drinks are forbidden in Islam, I was curious to taste them. I did try vodka when I was in Tanzania. I also had a sip from a beer glass when Naroa and I had dinner with her Spanish friends in a Lebanese restaurant in Cairo. I can't put up with the smell of cigarettes but I was always curious how they taste. I tried one and it tasted as terrible as vodka. I didn't understand why people become addicted to smoking or even alcoholic drinks. Luckily, I'm not one of those people since I prioritize my health and well-being.
There are still many things I haven't tried yet. Maybe I will try them at my own slow pace but hopefully, I will do my utmost to experience them before I'm too old or plagued with diseases.
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