From Safaga to Kandy.. With Love!

 5,372 km is the distance between Kandy to Sri Lanka and Safaga in Egypt. It’s the same distance between Sandy and me. Despite being far away physically, we feel closer to each other with every small but deep chat we have.

We come from different cultures, beliefs and backgrounds but we have empathy and kindness in common. Our mother tongues are distant but we use English as an in-between language to communicate. We have different types of hair, Sandy’s is silky while mine is curly, however, our dark skin color unites us.

One of my most joyful moments is when you open up and reveal your secrets to me. I feel blessed to have your trust, telling me about your achievements as well as your worries.

I want you to be sure that I will have your back and I’m here for you whenever you need to talk or vent. You never bother me. It means a lot that you share your concerns with me. The big distance between our locations will never separate us.

One day, we will meet and recount our experiences and laugh at these moments when we thought we would never reach a closure. Please, believe that we will manage all doom and gloom in our lives. Trust in yourself and your points of strength.

Indeed, we are strong women. We've come a long way and we will keep going no matter what comes our way.




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