Is death something to be feared?

Yes, I fear death. I actually fear a lot of things. I'm afraid that my whole life might slip from my hand without getting the most of it. I'm afraid when time comes to reflect on my life, I can't say I have done what I wanted to do.

I fear getting older and being sick or not being able to move around alone. I fear to become completely deaf one day. I'm afraid of getting stuck in the past so much that negative experiences start to haunt me.

I fear getting dementia and losing my memories. I fear getting mentally ill and giving people around me a hard time while they take care of me. I also fear to have no one beside me when I'm old and weak. I'm afraid of menopause and of getting breast cancer like my late aunt.

I'm afraid of missing the few opportunities I have. I'm afraid of finding myself married to someone whom I hate just to change my marital status and to escape my family.


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