I'm Very Old

'You're very old'. Yeah, that's what I have been told recently. The chitchat usually starts with; 'Hi! How are you? How old are you?'. As soon as I answer, 'I'm 29 years old', recently the typical reply I get is, 'Oh, you're very old. Why haven't you got married yet?'.
Someone told me that 'I'm already old and I'm going to be sexually useless after 35'. My initial reaction was shock and surprise although it's common here to consider girls over 25 old and useless. However, I raised my eyebrows saying, 'Oh, really?' The day after, thinking about it made me cry. It's just a sample of what I'm going to face in years to come, especially as I'm getting to turn 30 soon.

One of the reasons that I don't like to attend family wedding parties anymore is because of those relatives who when I greet them, keep telling me that they hope I get married soon and they pray for me to find a man as soon as possible. It's just an indirect way to say that I'm getting old and I'm going to miss the marriage train. Actually, it makes me so sad as it's out of my control. I don't want to get an arranged marriage. I don't want to use marriage as a way to escape my family who I don't feel good living with or to escape their control. I still have this small hope to make my dreams come true before I get married. At the same time, I'm not sure how long I can stand against all the pressure, disappointment and discouragement I get from all these people in the real world and even in the virtual one.


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