On February 6th 2019, I went to Valley of the Kings with Jan. Jan is the English instructor with whom I'm having an English speaking course. Of course, my family doesn't know that as they would ask me why I'm having another course as well as the one I had in Cairo. But, in fact, I did not and they don't know that.
As for the trip, I took a boat to reach the west bank of the Nile where I met Jan. It was the first time for me to get on a boat here in Luxor. It was cloudy that day which was good for our trip as it meant we didn't get so hot. We took a taxi to reach the valley.
The first tomb we got into was that of Ramses IX. I was taking photos like the other tourists when a guard shouted at me telling me that taking photos isn't allowed inside the tombs. I told him that there were others who had taken photos. He said that was none of my business. He talked in an aggressive tone and I wanted to keep arguing but felt it wasn't worth it.
Ramses IX's tomb |
The tomb of Seti II was the second tomb we visited. It was quiet, with not many people inside. The tomb's guard talked to us a lot. I think he wanted us to give him a bakshish "tips" but, of course, we didn't.
Seti II's tomb |
Seti II's tomb |
The last tomb was that of Merenptah, our ticket only allowed us to visit three tombs. This was the one I liked the most. It was bigger and the corridor was longer which was more interesting to me. Jan liked Ramses IX's tomb because it had more colors preserved.
Merenptah |
Merenptah's tomb |
Inside Merenptah's tomb |
A corridor, Merenptah's tomb |
When I got back home, I told my mother about the trip. She asked me how I got to know Jan. I told her that I knew her from Facebook. It was just another lie added to an already long list.
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